Clean Water 

WATER PURIFICATION is one of the Biggest Challenges Worldwide, especially in areas with lead and other pollutants in pipelines, including water contaminated with phosphates, and water from wells and public systems


Water PRO is a unique multifaceted Water Processing System providing:

Removal of all chlorides to drinking levels, totally decontaminating, disinfecting, and sterilizing the polluted water, providing desalinated, sterilized fresh drinking water for Community, technical water for Industry, and  irrigation water for Agriculture


Purification of municipal pipeline water and sewage, removing phosphates, cleansing polluted ponds, groundwater, lakes, rivers, and toxic wastewater generated by industrial processes


Recycling of hydrocarbons in wastewater


Clean Water for drinking, bottling, irrigation, and industrial operations, as well as municipal needs of remote populated areas using water sourced from subterranean wells and surface sources, such as rivers and lakes; purification of Landfill leachate

Super-Pure Water for the Food Industry, Medical, and Scientific Fields 




Our unsurpassed Water PRO IP is the only technology capable of eliminating corrosive chlorides and other toxic pollutants including Heavy Metals, Radioactive elements, and others, up to 100% purity. 


A companion IP Filtration product, all-natural SorbSure Granules, working on an atomic level, absorbs all residual toxins, including Lead, particularly harmful to children, and Radioactive elements


From Mini: 50,000 Gallons/Day to Large: 12,000,000 Gallons/Day

The Facility is either integrated into various Plants, or is a skid-mounted Portable Unit


Green Products 

The unique all-natural, renewable, recyclable material absorbs all toxins and pollutants, including lead, heavy metals, and radioactive elements to any desired level


Uses include: Water and Air purification and filtration for Household, Municipal, and Industrial applications, as well as clean-up after major Industrial spills, Nuclear accidents (such as the Fukushima plant), minor accidents and leaks at Nuclear facilities, and radionuclides in the environment 


Unique Granules Absorb and Contain the various toxins, pollutants, organic matter, gas emissions, and radionuclides from Water and Airborne mediums without disintegrating or releasing them in concentrated form back into the environment as part of wastewater - as in Reverse Osmosis technology, or in other waste disposal methods, currently being used by existing charcoal-based filtering and purification technologies 

Providing a variety of Water Purification applications for home and industry  

SorbSure Granules 

Recent technological breakthrough SURPASSING all sorbents based on activated charcoal and any hydrocarbon-containing compounds

SorbSure Sorbent 
 Granules Advantage:

*SorbSure use in WATER TREATMENT is significantly less costly, much faster, and waste-free, compared with Reverse Osmosis which cleans 20% of the water flow and produces 80% pollutant-filled wastewater. 

*SorbSure Recovery/Recycling: the unique granules can be regenerated and harvested for valuable marketable products.

*The absence of oxidative processes in SORBSURE after the completion of their sorptive cycle is an outstanding feature for warehousing or recycling, while sorbents based on activated charcoal and hydrocarbon-containing compounds, disintegrate, and pose various environmental hazards

SorbSure withstands temperatures up to 2,700 F, which is close to their melting point

KNOWN SORBENTS are based on Activated Charcoal or hydrocarbon-containing compounds which are TEMERATURE-Sensitive and flammable, so cannot be used in high-temperature environments, particularly in atmospheric conditions. They CANNOT BE REGENERATED and are SINGLE-USE ONLY. Limited backwashing only removes surface matter

SorbSure is much more mechanically stable and durable than Activated Charcoal, which is fragile. It also is far sturdier than Activated Charcoal, so it can successfully absorb and hold Heavy Metals and Radionuclides – Stability of absorbed Heavy Metal and Radioactive Material is critically important for further processing/recycling

SorbSure Sorbent
 Granules Flexibility:

A range of SORBTIVE material types based on various physic-chemical parameters of SORBSURE provides opportunities to produce integrated systems for a variety of applications, from HOUSEHOLD use to facilities designed for processing LARGE VOLUMES OF WATER and liquid streams, as well as for purification of airborne mediums, such as gas emissions from various industrial plants and treatment facilities


SorbSure is made up of 100 % natural materials. Its use in water filtration or other applications has no negative impact, nor negative side-effects, on humans


SorbSure securely holds all absorbed matter due to a high level of chemical activity within its electronic molecular structure. Its durability and stability allows multiple re-use and harvesting of valuable elements 



According to the EPA, “High levels of phosphorus can also lead to algae blooms that produce algal toxins which can be harmful to human and animal health”. Solving Pollution PROBLEMS is a major part of the “Water PRO” System, and includes custom-designing a better process, or implementing a relatively inexpensive DEEP RETROFIT changing the commonly used Aeration, Evaporation, Anaerobic Digestion, and other processes into highly effective innovative IP solutions affecting the wastewater, which would also increase the capacity for sewage flow


Ancillary Products from the Water PRO system include substances for the food industry, soda ash, distilled water, calcium chloride – widely used in natural gas production, fracking, road de-icing and surfacing, in food and medicine, and various fertilizers

Recyclable SorbSure Granules can be harvested for valuable elements, including Heavy Metals and Uranium

Green Products

 A Green Technology Protecting the Environment:

 Non-Toxic, Non-Flammable Solvent;

 Fabric from Cotton Waste;

 Multiple Re-Use Cycles;



EcoSure is manufactured from an amalgamation of cotton production waste which is usually carted away from textile mills as refuse. 

The non-woven material is securely held together by stitching and impregnated with a non-toxic, non-flammable Solution, which absorbs all oil-based organic liquids, including petroleum products, while not absorbing any water or water-based liquids, even when submerged to great depths. The Material can be reused multiple times and is totally biodegradable

Absorbing large and small spills on land  in Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream operations, pipeline leaks, at Gas Stations, bus, railroad, and airport Fueling stations, in industrial facilities using lubricants, in warehouses, Chemical plants and facilities, on all water surfaces, in Port loading and unloading, in oceans, rivers, and marshlands, and in underwater environments 

Hydrophobic oil absorption materials currently on the market are made of non-fibrous plastic materials, such as Polypropylene, which cannot retain larger absorbed volume, and cannot float large, saturated booms. They are SINGLE-use, NOT biodegradable, and must be incinerated - at a cost to the consumer and the environment. These materials cannot be used to absorb toxic oil elements, such as Benzene, which will destroy the plastic

RECYCLING - Environmentally-Friendly EcoSure is entirely biodegradable, allows recycling of marketable oils it absorbed, and can be effectively reused over 50 times


Commercially available large centrifugal installations include “Spin Dryers” of various capacities.  Portable units with wringers will remove absorbed Oils without damaging the Material, and return the extracted Oil for recycling

BASIC EcoSure Adsorptive Capacity is 30-40 lbs oily liquids to 1 lb EcoSure This ratio can be increased in special design variations 


If toxic elements have polluted the oil absorbed by the Material they can be removed by an associated technology


Long-Term Effectiveness: No difference has been found between new and 25-year-old batches of the Material

EcoSure - a unique multipurpose Oil Absorption Material

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