Green Energy Solutions that turn Blight into Blessing, purify water, cleanse and protect the Environment while providing affordable Green Electrical power, Green Renewable Fuels, and more, all with Zero Waste, Zero Emissions, and Zero Carbon Footprint seem too good to be true. However, these unique innovations stand on a solid foundation of internationally proven IP Technologies, based on a world-famous process

It all started with the famous German WW II-era Fischer-Tropsch process of coal gasification into fuels called Gas-to-Liquids, or GTL, which powered German planes and tanks. It was then commercialized by SASOL, a company in South Africa, and other companies, such as Shell Oil in Qatar, and in other countries

First SASOL Plant 1955 

Second SASOL Plant 1976

SHELL GTL Plant in Qatar

Tomsk GTL Plant in Siberia

THE SECRET SAUCE - IT’S A GAS!  Generally, scalability and emissions with Fischer-Tropsch GTL remain a challenge. But our international Technology partners have perfected and diversified the GTL technology to transform anything that is GAS - natural gas, gases from various wastes, coal, CO2, and Hydrogen, into a high-value product. Truly Green Renewable Energy, with Zero Emissions


The innovative, flexible approach provides the best solutions for each project for maximum economic efficiency from our many innovations. And it all begins with an Engineering-Feasibility Study that includes technological and economic modeling for the best custom-design solution


In our Water Purification process – Water PRO, and our Green Products – SorbSure and EcoSure, and other innovations, the technologies we use are developed on the basis of Natural Products. The secret to their success is always following the GREEN PATH, to discover how Nature itself seeks to create solutions

What We Can Do For You

Green Energy Horizons offers many paths to innovative, cost-effective  clean energy solutions. The comprehensive and encompassing IP processes are always custom-designed to Client needs. You may not need all that we offer, and that's ok! Reach out to us if you have any questions on how we can best serve you!



Our Mission 

In a world where the urgent need for sustainable practices has never been more evident, innovative approaches in energy production have emerged as critical solutions. While traditional carbon-free energy sources have their place, such as nuclear and hydroelectric, our commitment extends to implementing innovative technologies like transforming CO2  into Zero-Sulfur Diesel and Waste into Renewable Gas with 85+ Hydrogen content that can produce Hydrogen fuel, which presents immense potential for zero-emission energy production from transportation to power generation


Embracing the ethos of sustainability extends beyond Clean energy production. That's why we're proud to introduce Water PRO—an encompassing water purification system revolutionizing clean water accessibility. Water Pro employs a suite of cutting-edge purification technologies and filtration techniques, as well as state-of-the-art unparalleled sorbent materials that work in surface and underwater environments to eliminate major oil spills, contaminants, and impurities from various water sources. Through a multi-faceted, flexible purification system, custom-designed for each project, Water PRO ensures the removal of pollutants, heavy metals, microbes, and other harmful substances, delivering pristine, safe water up to drinking levels for use in various applications


We believe that Sustainable Energy isn't confined to a singular approach but encompasses a diverse array of innovative solutions. Our pursuit of a Greener Future involves embracing these advanced technologies, which balance energy needs with environmental stewardship


Together, let's propel the evolution of Green Energy production and Water Purification towards a future where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand to serve communities and industry while protecting the Environment.

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